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Bravehearts’ History
From humble beginnings as a small, grassroots alliance to one of Australia’s most influential voices in child protection, Bravehearts’ history as an organisation tracks an incredible legacy. Below is a timeline of Bravehearts’ key achievements and milestones from the past quarter of a century.
Bravehearts' History

- Bravehearts launches major updates to Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Program, including:
- New songs, characters, teaching resources, and learning outcomes.
- A digital version of the show for early learning centres and schools outside the live show’s delivery regions.
- An interactive mobile phone game for young children based on the key personal safety. principles taught in the program.
- A series of children’s books based on the key personal safety principles taught in the program.

- Bravehearts celebrates 25 years of protecting children from sexual harm, and launches updated branding.
- Bravehearts Day replaces White Balloon Day as our key awareness day and is dedicated to the survivors of child sexual abuse and protecting children from sexual harm.

- Bravehearts White Balloon Day celebrates its 25th year.
- Bravehearts opens its therapeutic counselling service in Loganholme, Southeast Queensland.

- The Courage Project is launched. The Courage Project is a therapeutic service delivering counselling to children, young people and families in the Mackay and Whitsunday regions.

- Bravehearts commences 10 years of Redress Service provision through Beyond Brave.

- CyberEcho is released, a cyber-safety program for middle to upper-primary children.

- Turning Corners is launched to work with young people (12 to 17 years) who have engaged in, or are at risk of engaging in, harmful sexual behaviour.

- Bravehearts 777 Marathon launches, with participants running 7 marathons in 7 states in 7 days.

- Bravehearts’ Information and Support Line is established for anyone requiring assistance, information or support on child sexual abuse.

- Following 16 years of calling for a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse, in November 2012 the Federal Government announces it will hold an inquiry.

- Current head office opens in Arundel, Gold Coast, Australia.

- Supporting Hands online child protection training module for people working with children is launched.

- Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show, Bravehearts’ personal safety program for children aged 3 to 8 is launched.

- Bravehearts’ first of four therapeutic counselling services is opened in Queensland.

- Bravehearts begins lobbying and its pursuit for law reforms to protect children from child sexual abuse and advocate for the rights of survivors.

- Bravehearts is founded by Hetty Johnston AM following her young daughter’s disclosure of sexual abuse.
- Bravehearts’ White Balloon Day is launched.