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Bravehearts’ Corporate Partnerships Manager, Michelle, sat down to with Nouveau Homes General Manager, Celine Slee, to chat about their partnership with Bravehearts.
How long has your company been operating?
Nouveau Homes has been operating as a Residential Construction Business in South Australia since September 2008, focusing on Medium to Large Additions, Custom New Homes and Developments.
How many staff do you have / how big is your company?
Our business consists of 2 owner operators as a husband and wife team at the forefront of the business. This means there is no maze of salespeople and mangers to navigate through. We are a family run business where clients can always speak directly with the business owners. Our vast professional trade base is made up of solely Subcontractors.
What drove you to support Bravehearts?
Our typical clientele are families, often with young children. When searching for a suitable organisation for us to support, we instantly felt strongly about this cause and without hesitation we reached out to the Bravehearts team to see how we could contribute.
How do you support Bravehearts? What initiatives has your company put in place to support Bravehearts either financially or through raising awareness?
Together with Bravehearts we devised an ongoing commitment to donate $2.00 to Bravehearts for every $1,000 of each Nouveau Homes Contract signed with our customers.
How has supporting Bravehearts added value to your business?
We proudly promote the fact that we support Bravehearts and our clients are aware of the donation being made in relation to their project. This has brought positive feedback from many sectors including businesses we work closely with, suppliers, subcontractors, clients and other businesses we support through Sponsorship.
How long has your company been supporting Bravehearts?
Nouveau Homes has been proudly supporting Bravehearts since March 2015 – so coming up to 5 years.
In your opinion, why is Bravehearts an important and relevant organisation?
Bravehearts is an important and relevant organisation for the invaluable work they do in raising awareness of an all too common issue that often seems to be a taboo subject. The education they provide in our local schools through their various initiatives and helping children find their voice is truly admirable.
Why is child protection important to you?
Child Protection is important to us even though we don’t have children of our own, we recognise that children are the most vulnerable members of our society and have the right to feel safe, happy and loved.
If you would like more information about becoming a Corporate Partner for Bravehearts, please email Michelle at